
About Me:

Image of a Professional Man

Full Stack JavaScript Developer

A word that best describes me - "AMBITIOUS". I am the Founder & CEO of ${DarkMode} Devs, a Full Stack JavaScript Developer, a Nucamp Coding Bootcamp Ambassador & Web Developer, and a student at the University of Advancing Technology (UAT). I am very passionate about software engineering and would love to work with you, please get in touch.

  • Name: Fernando Trejo
  • Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
  • Phone: (520)809-5210
  • Email: devftrejo@gmail.com
  • Major: Bachelor of Science
  • Programs: Advancing Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
  • Hire Me: darkmodedevs.com
  • Website: You're Looking At It.

Happy Clients


Hours Tutoring

Educational Awards


Software Engineering


PC Gaming


Web Development Skills

HTML 5 90%
CSS 3 90%
SASS 90%
JavaScript 90%
TypeScript 70%
Tailwind 90%
Bootstrap 90%
React 70%
React Native 70%
Markdown 90%
Express 80%
Node JS 90%
MongoDB 70%
Visual Studio Code 90%
Git 90%
Bash 90%
GitHub 90%
NPM 90%
Web Bundlers 90%
Yarn 70%
Vercel 90%
Netlify 90%
AWS 70%


My Resume:

Professional Summary

Fernando Trejo

Very ambitious and leveraging studies in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Full Stack Development with a wide range of experience in various programming languages. I want to be your company's next valuable asset.

  • Tucson, Arizona, USA
  • (520)809-5210
  • devftrejo@gmail.com


Bachelor of Science, Advancing Computer Science, 4.0 GPA

09/2021 - 09/2025 (Expected Graduation Date)

University of Advancing Technology, Tempe, Arizona, USA

Pursuing a double major in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence.

  • Deanʼs List: Fall 2021, Spring & Summer 2022, Spring 2023.
  • President's List: Summer & Fall 2022, Summer & Fall 2023.

Certificate, Full Stack Web & Mobile Development

05/2021 - 11/2021

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, USA

Full Stack Development program graduate: Completed all course projects & weekly workshops.

Professional Experience

Software Engineer Apprentice

11/2022 - 07/2023

Underdog Devs, USA

Software engineer apprentice in a full-time intensive software engineering preparatory program which included rigorous daily pair programming with senior software engineers.

Founder & CEO

03/2023 - Present

${DarkMode} Devs, USA

Building Websites, Applications, AI Integrations & Solutions. Also run a full stack JavaScript development mentorship program.

Ambassador & Web Developer

05/2023 - Present

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, USA

Ambassador role running online coding workshops and marketing coding programs.


Educational Objectives:

Image of a male cyborg coding on a computer

Advancing Computer Science

UAT's ACS Degree Objectives:

  • 1. Follow a software development process to analyze a problem and to design, build and test software solutions.
  • 2. Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment.
  • 3. Implement data-driven solutions.
  • 4. Design and implement software solutions for mobile devices, embedded systems and/or multiple platforms.
  • 5. Document the planning and development of software applications using industry-standard tools, techniques and processes
  • 6. Within software solutions, describe, implement and analyze data structure techniques such as lists, trees, hash tables and graphs, along with sorting and searching algorithms.
Image of an AI bot manipulating a neural network

Artificial Intelligence

UAT's AI Degree Objectives:

  • 1. Create, analyze and integrate artificial intelligence applications and IoT systems.
  • 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the design and development of natural language processing systems.
  • 3. Demonstrate the skills required to design and create machine learning systems using best practices and patterns.
  • 4. Demonstrate new and original data in deep learning by consuming big data with original algorithms.
  • 5. Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language, development environment, platform, and source control system.
  • 6. Describe, develop, analyze and integrate data structures, databases, and database management systems.


Student Innovation Project:


Web App Project:

  • Description: The project is a web app that will assess any aspiring software engineer’s aptitude and personality, it will give a recommendation whether they possess the aptitude and personality profile for software engineering. If they do not, it will give them recommendations for other fields within the IT Industry which would be more suitable given their results. If they do, then they will begin learning the fundamentals of web development and the JavaScript programming language via an interactive coding platform with an AI Mentor. If they do not finish the fundamentals, they will be reminded to finish. If they finish the fundamentals, they will be rewarded with a certificate of completion and a roadmap to guide them on their journey towards becoming a full stack, frontend, or backend software engineer, and they will also receive exclusive offers to join partnered coding bootcamps or universities. The user will interact with AI throughout the app, more so during the interactive coding lessons. This should give aspiring software engineers an unbiased opinion on whether they are a good fit for coding as a career.
  • Innovation: My AI-powered web application assesses aspiring software engineers' aptitudes and personality profiles to determine whether they have the mind and personality for software engineering. Through AI powered interactive coding lessons, users will learn the fundamentals of web development, programming in JavaScript, and will be provided personalized feedback. Upon completion, they will be given a customized learning pathway. The goal of the app is to ensure users are fit to code and equipped with the right mindset, as well as encouraged that they have the capabilities necessary before making any educational commitments.
  • SIP Brief: Provides the foundational understanding of my SIP project, click the download button below to get a copy.


My Projects:

  • All
  • Web
  • App
  • AI
Portfolio Website Image

Portfolio Website (Personal)

Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)

DarkMode Devs Website Image

${DarkMode} Devs Website

Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)

Azur Agency Website Image

Azur Agency Website

Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap)

CBMC AZ Website Image

CBMC AZ Website

Web Development (CMS)

Shaking Cups App Image

Shaking Cups

Web App

Mobile App Image

NucampSite (Nucamp Coding Bootcamp)

App Development (React)

Female AI Robot Image

LadyBot 1.0 (University of Advancing Technology)

AI Chatbot (C++)

Female AI Robot Image

LadyBot 2.0 (University of Advancing Technology)

AI Chatbot (Python)


Contact Me:

My Location:

Tucson, Arizona, USA

Social Profiles:

Call Me:
